Hakodate Wine (函館葡萄酒莊) -

Hakodate Wine aims to be a “Japanese wine” that matches the taste of Japanese people. Of course, instead of imitating Western techniques and tastes as they are, we make casual but authentic wines that are conscious of the Japanese lifestyle.

In Hokkaido, which is rich in nature, it boasts the largest acreage of wine-making grapes in Japan. The center of this is the Yoichi area, where raw grapes are cultivated through contract farmers. In recent years, raw grapes have also been cultivated in the southern Hokkaido area, and you can feel the terroir of each region of Hokkaido.

The winemaking technology that supports the deliciousness is highly evaluated, such as receiving the “Gold Award” and “Category Highest Award” twice each at the domestic wine competition (only 13 companies are selected for the category highest award). In addition to building the only quality control system based on ISO9001 in Hokkaido, we are developing products that are particular about Hokkaido ingredients, and provide wine that is both casual and quality.

Tasting Notes: Used Campbell Early grapes produced in Hokkaido, matured for 6-12 months to make it smooth and mild flavor. It is fruity with pronounced rasberry and strawberry notes. Great wine for casual drinking.


Tasting Notes: Used Niagara grapes produced in Hokkaido, fresh and flowery aroma with hint of pear and lychee on the nose. With low-temperature fermentation, it has fruity flavor. Great for casual drinkin and easy to drink for begginers.


Hokkaido Fruit Wine -

It is a fruit wine that makes the most of the characteristics of specialty fruits not only in Hokkaido but also in other parts of the world. The most famous and selected fruit in Japan, good flavor, smooth taste with lower alcohol.

– Melon from Yubari, Hokkaido
– The most famous and premium melon in Japan.
– Taste like a fresh fruit
– Best to drink chilled 7-10 °C

– Strawberry made in Toyoura-cho, Hokkaido
– Good balance of natural sweetness and scidity
– Only 5% alcohol

– Rare Fruit Wine

– Only Produced in Tomakomai, Hokkaido .(北海道苫小牧市)
– Unique type, Haskap Berry
– High in antioxidants
– Good Balance

– Sweet and juicy peach from Yoichi
– Natural sweetness from peach and clear finish
– Sweet & Light flavor with lower alcohol

– Apple from Nanae-cho, Hokkaido
– Fruity Aroma
– Natural Sweetness and smooth taste

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